Rainbow Report
University of Maryland, College Park
“The unstoppable & QUEER.”
“You don't have to be straight to be in the military;
you just have to be able to shoot straight.”
-Barry Goldwater
LGBT Equity Programs:
Queering Poetry
o April 19, 4:30pm, 0119 Cole Student Activities Bldg.
o https://www.facebook.com/media/set/fbx/?set=a.651119983323.2186711.15206761#!/event.php?eid=164541283603812
LGBT398Q / EDCP318Q – Leadership in LGBTQA Organizations
o Leadership and Facilitation Skills in LGBTQA Organizations.
o See Testudo for details.
LGBT350 – Speakers Bureau
o See Testudo for details.
Safe Space Discussion
o Mondays, 7:30pm-9pm, Jimenez 1122
o A discussion group on personal coming out, transition, and/or identity.
o Co-sponsor: Pride Alliance
Queer Lunch
o Thursdays, 11:30am-12:30pm, 0119 Cole Student Activities Bldg.
o Bring your own lunch, we bring the fun!
o Co-sponsor: MICA
Lavender Graduation: A Pre-Commencement Planning Party
o April 21, 6:30pm-8pm, Pyon Su Room, Stamp
o Co-sponsor: MICA
Lavender Graduation
o May 19, 6pm-8pm, Colony Ballroom, Stamp
o More info and RSVP: http://lgbt.umd.edu/lavgrad.html
o Co-sponsors: MICA & LGBT Studies
Rainbow Terps
o http://lgbt.umd.edu/rainbow.html
Additional Announcements:
Men, Women and Everything in between
o April 21, 7pm-9:30pm, Art/Socy 3215
o BAM & TCOM Present, for Pride Month 2011: Men, Women, and Everything in between an interactive discussion about Queer sex "Let’s Talk about Sex, all kinds of sex. We have invited some peer educators from the health center to come in and have an interactive discussion with us about safer sex for the LGBT community. Come on out and learn about how to keep yourself and your partner(s) safe and healthy while still having a good time."
o Co-sponsors: BAM & TCOM
F U: Fluidity & you
o April 21, 7pm-8:30pm, BPS 1232
Queer Kickball
o April 22, 5pm-6:30pm, McKeldin Mall
o Sponsors: BAM & TCOM
Color Me Queer: A Water Balloon Extravaganza for STI Awareness
o April 22, 6:30pm-7:30pm, Fraternity Fields
o Cool off after kickball with oSTEM! See how much force it takes to break a condom by tossing them.
o Sponsor: oSTEM @ Maryland
Queer Grads Happy Hour
o April 22, 5pm-7pm, Nellies Sports Bar, 900 U Street NW Washington DC
o Sponsor: Queer Grads
Breaking Boundaries
o April 25. 5pm-6:30pm, The Stamp
o Sponsors: Help Center, Alpha Theta Gamma, & oSTEM @ Maryland
Let’s go OUT to the Ball Game- National’s Game
o April 28, 5:30pm-9pm, National's Park
o $10 for ticket, RSVP to theoneproject@umd.edu by April 7
Join students from HAMSA and Pride Alliance as we go OUT to the ballgame for some fun and friends. Take a break from your end of semester work to relax for a night. We'll leave from the Union at 5:30 for a 7:00pm game time. RSVP by April 7, bring your $10 to Stamp.
o Sponsor: The One Project
A Girl, A Boy, A Virus
o April 28, 7pm-8pm, Hoff Theater, Stamp
o Sponsor: University Health Center
DC Queer Studies Symposium
o April 29, 9:30am-7pm, Tawes Hall
o Please join us April 29th for the Fourth Annual DC Queer Studies Symposium, a day-long event. Events include Quickanddirty VII: A Graduate Symposium and "In Treatment: The Queer Archive of Mid-20th-Century Psychiatry," a keynote address by Regina Kunzel. DC Queer Studies is a group of faculty from schools in the Consortium of Universities of the Washington Metropolitan Area formed in 2006 to discuss new works in the field and to exchange, support, and cultivate new ways of engaging with LGBT/Queer/Sexuality Studies across the disciplines and across institutions.
§ 9:30 am - 1:00 pm: quickanddirty VII: A Graduate Queer Studies Symposium
§ 4:30 - 6:30 pm: Regina Kunzel "In Treatment: The Queer Archives of Mid-20th-Century Psychiatry"
o Sponsor: LGBT Studies Program
Pride Prom
o April 29, 8pm-12am, the Atrium, Stamp
o Sponsors: Pride Alliance, LGBT Studies Program & Satanic Mechanics
o April 30, 2pm-4pm, the Atrium, Stamp
o Sponsors: LGBT Studies Program, Lambda Pride, & Alumni Association
Transgender Panel
o April 6, 7pm-9pm, Prince Georges Room, Stamp
o What do you know about transgender people? Do you know what transgender means? How about transsexual? Ever met someone who is transgender? Now you can! Come with an open mind and respectful attitude. This will be a panel discussion, so plenty of time for questions.
o Sponsor: Help Center.
Education Abroad
o April 19, 2pm-3pm, Holzapfel Hall 1101
o Come join a group of study abroad students who wish to share their experiences as we enter a discussion about cultural assumptions, and what it means to identify as LGBTQ in the eyes of communities abroad. This discussion will enter into topics of sexual orientation, sexual identity, the importance of language and other current LGBTQ topics.
o Sponsor: Education Abroad
Would you like your announcement or program to appear in Rainbow Report? The Report is typically sent out on Mondays. To ensure your announcement’s consideration for publication, submit it via this form at least one week in advance: http://lgbt.umd.edu/newsletteritem.html
Would you like the Office of LGBT Equity to consider co-sponsoring one of your events by lending our name, resources, or other support? Please submit all co-sponsorship requests through this web form at least one week prior to a desired decision, two weeks if requesting resources beyond name-only co-sponsorship. Resources are limited. http://lgbt.umd.edu/cosponsorship.html If you wish to engage in a deeper collaboration beyond event co-sponsorship, please talk and meet with us directly.
If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, feel free to contact us at 301-405-8720, by e-mail at lgbt@umd.edu, or come to our office. We are located in 0119 Cole Student Activities Building.