Rainbow Report
University of Maryland, College Park
“The unstoppable & QUEER.”
“There is nothing wrong with going to bed
with someone of your own sex.
People should be very free with sex,
they should draw the line at goats.”
-Elton John
LGBT Equity Programs:
Queer Stress Relief
o May 16, 1pm, 0119 Cole Student Activities Bldg
o Stressed out? Haven’t slept? Need a Break? The Office of LGBT Equity is here to help. We are having a study break on Monday May 16 starting at 1. This will be a stress free zone, which means no studying, no books, and no notes, just fun. Come over and give your eyes and mind a rest.
Lavender Graduation
o May 19, 6pm-8pm, Colony Ballroom, Stamp
o More info and RSVP: http://lgbt.umd.edu/lavgrad.html
o Co-sponsors: MICA & LGBT Studies
LGBT398Q / EDCP318Q – Leadership in LGBTQA Organizations
o Fall course on Leadership and Facilitation Skills in LGBTQA Organizations.
o See Testudo for details.
LGBT350 – Speakers Bureau
o Fall course in speaking on LGBTQA issues. See Testudo for details.
Rainbow Terps
o http://lgbt.umd.edu/rainbow.html
o Dates for Summer and Fall trainings will be forthcoming
Would you like your announcement or program to appear in Rainbow Report? The Report is typically sent out on Mondays. To ensure your announcement’s consideration for publication, submit it via this form at least one week in advance: http://lgbt.umd.edu/newsletteritem.html
Would you like the Office of LGBT Equity to consider co-sponsoring one of your events by lending our name, resources, or other support? Please submit all co-sponsorship requests through this web form at least one week prior to a desired decision, two weeks if requesting resources beyond name-only co-sponsorship. Resources are limited. http://lgbt.umd.edu/cosponsorship.html If you wish to engage in a deeper collaboration beyond event co-sponsorship, please talk and meet with us directly.
If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, feel free to contact us at 301-405-8720, by e-mail at lgbt@umd.edu, or come to our office. We are located in 0119 Cole Student Activities Building.