Rainbow Report
University of Maryland, College Park
“The unstoppable & QUEER.”
“Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else’s opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation.”
- Oscar Wilde
LGBT Equity Programs:
Celebrate Rainbow Terps Week!
o All week long, take part in the Office of LGBT Equity’s first ever Rainbow Terps Week. The week is designed to increase the visibility of the Rainbow Terrapin Network, a group of students, staff, and faculty on campus who enhance support for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and questioning people, and their allies on campus.
o You can take part in Rainbow Terps Week by attending the ‘Be A Better Ally’ workshop on Monday, October 17th at 4PM in McKeldin Special Events Room – 6137. To learn more visit: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=246468078733386
o You can also take part in Rainbow Terps Week by taking your picture with an ‘I Heart Rainbow Terps!’ sign and posting it on our facebook page. We’re attaching the sign, but you can feel free to make your own. Your pictures can be serious or silly, in groups or just on your own, but should show that you support LGBTQ people on campus, and love Rainbow Terps! See the facebook event for instructions: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=227124174009550. Just come by the tables outside Stamp 11AM – 1PM any day between the 10th and the 14th to have us take the picture for you!
Safe Space (Every Thursday)
o Thursdays from 7:30PM-9PM, 3215 Art/Soc. Bldg.
o A peer-facilitated Safe Space for students to discuss lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, queer, and questioning issues.
Queer Study Time (Every Wednesday – but not this week or next due to office move)
o Wednesdays at 2PM, 0119 Cole Student Activities Bldg.
o Don’t forget to study! Even though the semester is just beginning you can bring your homework for some low-key study time in a relaxed environment.
Queer Luncheon (Every Thursday – but not this week or next due to office move)
o Thursdays from 11:30AM-12:30PM, 0119 Cole Student Activities Bldg.
o Come bring your lunch, and your friends. We'll bring the board games, the card games, the music, and the queer space. Allies are encouraged to join us!
Additional Announcements:
o Saturday, October 29, 2011
TransU (This Thursday):
o October 13, 2011, 6-7 PM 0120 Jiminez
o a discussion and safe space for those who identify as transgender, gender queer, or otherwise feel restricted by conventional definitions of "man" and "woman".
Women2Women (W2W)(Every Tuesday):
o October 11, 7-8PM, 0120 Jimenez.
o A discussion group for LGBTQQIA- identified women.
Bro to Bro (Every Tuesday):
o October 11, 6:30- 7:30 pm, Terrapin Room A
o a group for LGBTQQIA- identified men.
True Colors of Maryland (TCOM)(Every Thursday):
o October 13, 7-9PM, 0120 Jimenez.
o a discussion group for LGBTQQIA people of all colors.
Safe Space(Every Thursday):
o October 13, from 7:30 to 9:00 in the Art/Sociology Building (ASY) room 3215.
o a supportive environment for students navigating identity, coming out, or transitioning. It is a partnership with the Office of LGBT Equity.
o Thursday, October 20
o "So you want to meet a doctah!" -- Hamsa's having a joint mixer with oSTEM (Out in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math). Look forward to a fun evening of getting to know people, playing Wii and board games, and eating snacks! (Location and exact time to be announced.)
Sara Marcus at UMD
o Tuesday, October 11th, 7:00 pm
o Writer Sara Marcus will visit UMD and give a public talk. Marcus is the author of the critically acclaimed book, Girls to the Front: The True Story of the Riot Grrrl Revolution (Harper Perennial, 2010).
Apply to be an RA!
o The Department of Resident Life’s Resident Assistant selection for the 2012-2013 academic year is beginning, and they are interested in LGBTQA students’ applications.
o For information on how to apply, visit http://www.resnet.umd.edu/reslife/human_resources/ra/
An Evening Celebrating the LGBT Community at CSPAC:
o November 15th, 2011, The Clarice Smith Performing Arts Center
o 5:30 pm at the Cafritz Foundation Theatre- Check out Regie Cabico, the “Lady Gaga of Spoken Word Artists” at the FREE Take Five event.
o Next, there is an LGBT reception with FREE PIZZA. Mingle with fellow LGBT students and community members.
o 8 pm, Gildenhorn Recital Hall. Finish the evening with the New York Festival of Song, performing their bold new program, Manning the Conon: Songs of Gay Life. Student tickets are $9.
Lavender Country and Folk Dancers
o October 21-23, 2011
o Gender-Free Contra Dance Camp in Becket, MA. All dancing is gender free: no gender terms used in teaching and calling and people are free to dance either role. Experienced dancers and beginners are welcome. People of any gender identity and sexual orientation are welcome. http://lcfd.org/lcfd/
o Contra dance is like square dancing, but is done in long lines. It's a ton of fun; there are several regular (not gender-free) contra dances in the area. I'll be attending the Friday night dances at Glen Echo most regularly, if anyone is interested in checking it out. More on contra and the Friday Night Dance here: http://fridaynightdance.org/
The Ups and Downs of Being LGB: Understanding Sexual Minority Status as a Part of Everyday Experience
o Wednesday, October 12. 2011. Lecture from 12:00 pm-1:00pm Shoemaker 0114
o The Counseling Center's Research and Development series presents Jonathan Mohr, Ph. D., Assistant Professor of Psychology who will speak on: "The Ups and Downs of Being LGB: Understanding Sexual Minority Status as a Part of Everyday Experience". All interested faculty, staff, and graduate students are invited.
Would you like your announcement or program to appear in Rainbow Report? The Report is typically sent out on Tuesdays. To ensure your announcement’s consideration for publication, submit it via this form at least one week in advance: http://lgbt.umd.edu/newsletteritem.html
Would you like the Office of LGBT Equity to consider co-sponsoring one of your events by lending our name, resources, or outreach support? Please submit all co-sponsorship requests through this web form at least one week prior to requesting a decision on your co-sponsorship request. Resources are limited. http://lgbt.umd.edu/cosponsorships.html If you wish to engage in a deeper collaboration beyond event co-sponsorship, please talk and meet with us directly.
If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, feel free to contact us at 301-405-8720, by e-mail at lgbt@umd.edu, or come to our office. We are located in the Cole Student Activities Building in room 0119. We are re-locating to 2218 Marie Mount Hall on October 19.