Rainbow Report
University of Maryland, College Park
“The unstoppable & QUEER.”
"You know, gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender - people are people."
-Judith Light
Please don't forget to "like" our NEW Facebook page, as the old one will become obsolete. http://www.facebook.com/equitycenter
LGBT Equity Programs:
Queer Study Time (Every Wednesday)
o Wednesdays at 2PM, 2218 Marie Mount Hall.
o Don’t forget to study! Even though the semester is just beginning you can bring your homework for some low-key study time in a relaxed environment.
Queer Luncheon (Every Thursday)
o Thursdays from 11:30AM-12:30PM, 2218 Marie Mount Hall.
o Come bring your lunch, and your friends. We'll bring the board games, the card games, the music, and the queer space. Allies are encouraged to join us!
Safe Space(Every Thursday):
o December 1, from 7:30 to 9:00, 2308 Marie Mount Hall
o a supportive environment for students navigating identity, coming out, or transitioning. It is a partnership between the LGBT Equity Center and Pride Alliance.
Additional Announcements:
TransU (This Thursday):
o December 1, 2011, 6-7 PM 0120 Jiminez
o a discussion and safe space for those who identify as transgender, gender queer, or otherwise feel restricted by conventional definitions of "man" and "woman".
Women2Women (W2W)(Every Tuesday):
o November 20, 7-8PM, 0120 Jimenez.
o A discussion group for LGBTQQIA- identified women.
Bro to Bro (Every Tuesday):
o November 29, 6:30- 7:30 pm, Terrapin Room A
o a group for LGBTQQIA- identified men.
Bisexuals at Maryland (BAM)(this Tuesday):
o November 29, 6-7PM, 0120 Jimenez.
o a discussion group for those who inhabit the wide expanse that lay between gay and straight.
True Colors of Maryland (TCOM)(Every Thursday):
o December 1, 7-9PM, 0120 Jimenez.
o a discussion group for LGBTQQIA people of all colors.
Being LGBT at the White House: a Panel Discussion
o Tuesday, November 29, 2011, at 7:00 PM.
o GW's Graduate School of Political Management and Allied in Pride Graduate Students, will host Gautam Raghavan, Associate Director of Public Engagement and LGBT Liaison at The White House Office of Public Engagement, and Kei Koizumi, Assistant Director for Federal Research and Development at The White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, for a panel discussion on their roles, LGBT policy and The White House's involvement and efforts to engage the LGBT community. Dr. Terri Reed, GW's Vice Provost for Diversity and Inclusion, will be moderating the discussion.
o Register here. Contact Michael Komo at michaelrkomo@gmail.com with any questions.
LGBT Staff and Faculty Brown Bag
o For those that are available, please feel free to bring your lunches for a brown bag social lunch on Wednesday, November 30. Everyone is welcome to float in and out from 11:30am – 1pm in the OMSE Conference Room. OMSE is located on the first floor of Hornbake Library (across from Letters and Sciences). We have plenty of space and look forward to reconnecting with all of you as we wrap up the fall semester.
Queer Grads-- Queer Work Group
o The next queer working group meets this Friday, Dec 2, 2308 Marie Mount Hall 3:00-4:30pm
Hamsa Presents Mara Levi and the Pushovers
o At the Co-op in the Stamp Student Union on Saturday, December 3, 2011. Doors open at 7:00pm, show starts at 8:00pm. With openers: Hannah Spiro and The Shondes
o The Pushovers are a smart-pop folk rock band based in Washington, DC and Baltimore. All seasoned singer-songwriters, Mara, Nancy and Liz sing tight backing vocals, beat box, and breakdance.The band has a full guitar, bass, and keyboard sound, and lots of 3-part harmonies.
o For more information about Mara Levi and The Pushovers, check out their website: http://www.thepushoversband.com/
The One Project Spring Break Scholarship
o March 16-23, 2012, New York, NY.
o The One Project is pleased to announce multiple scholarships for students wishing to go to New York City for The One Project 2012 Alternative Spring Break Trip exploring the issues surrounding being an LGBT Youth. The total amount of the scholarship fund is $1200 and will be awarded on a needs-basis to students who submit an application by December 2, 2011 at 4:30pm. The maximum award given will be $275 per participant.
o Trip Information: Each day, the group will visit a local agency and lend support to their mission. Organizations with missions to serve LGBTQ youth in the areas of homelessness, education, health issues and general support will be visited. The One Project hopes to collaborate with a local university's LGBTQ Student Group to complete a service project and we hope to pilot a high school outreach program during the time in NYC.
o Eligibility : Must be a current undergraduate student at the university. Participant currently selected to go on the trip, or Student wishing to attend the trip but who did not originally submit an application. Must submit a trip application by December 2, 2011 at 4:30pm. Applications are found at http://alturl.com/qws52 and must be completed before applying. Must complete the Scholarship Application by December 2, 2011 at 4:30pm at http://alturl.com/udssd. Must pay the $100 deposit by December 8, 2011, 6-8pm at Kick-Off Event.
o Contact Information
For questions or more information, please email Dian Squire, The One Project co-coordinator, at Theoneproject@umd.edu or call 301-314-8212.
LGBT Bowling League
o Tuesdays at 7PM, at the AMF Center.
o Step over the Rainbow and put on your Ruby Red Bowling shoes for a Twisted Tuesday night. Each bowler completing the season gets a new pair of bowling shoes& 1st Place Team also gets USBC Rings.
o Each bowler is entered in raffle for chance at winning Free Entry to Annual Rainbow Tournament held in April at AMF College Park Lanes. Preview lanes w/3 Free Gms for bowlers committing to join. Plus More!
o For more information, contact CC Ford/Founder & Secretary at rainbowlamfleague@yahoo.com (202) 997-3918, or visit www.therainbowlleague.com
Participate in an LGBT Survey
o Oct 24 2011- Nov 30 2011
o Mihee Kim is a doctoral student at the Philip Merrill College of Journalism at the University of Maryland. She is conducting an online news experiment, which will award $25 cash to five randomly-selected participants who complete the 15 minute experiment online.
o If you would like to participate in this online study, please click following URL and then register. https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/signup_l
o This study is to investigate how audiences' current opinions influence on their perception of online news about controversial issues including same sex marriage. This study will help to understand how online news about issues related to LGBT such as same sex marriage is accepted by audiences.
National Gay and Lesbian Task Force Internship
o The National Gay and Lesbian Task Force builds the political power of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender community from the ground up. The Task Force is the country’s premier social justice organization fighting to improve the lives of LGBT people, and working to create positive, lasting change and opportunity for all.
o The National Gay and Lesbian Task Force is offering an internship opportunity for the spring semester of 2012 with flexible start and end dates. This internship offers a stipend at the end of the semester. Transportation costs are also covered. Additionally, the Task Force will work with the student’s university to assure academic credit is received.
o Responsibilities include: Research and write two factsheets based on the National Transgender Discrimination Survey [NTDS]. One on non-citizen respondents and one based on the interest of the applicant, work to help populate a section of the online academy for NTDS, and other tasks as assigned by the Task Force team.
o Qualifications: Have strong familiarity with transgender issues and good writing skills. Must be detail-oriented and a self-starter/ independent worker. The position is open to graduate and undergraduate students. Statistics experience is a plus but not required. The policy institute works with the statistics program, SPSS.
o Interns work out of our national office in Washington, DC during regular business hours for 8-16 hours per week.
o Mail, fax, or email a resume, cover letter, and a 1-3 page writing sample to Jack Harrison at jharrison@thetaskforce.org by no later than January 1, 2011.
o The Task Force is an equal opportunity employer. People of color, people with disabilities, women and transgender people are especially encouraged to apply.
National Union of Jewish LGBT Students (NUJLS) Annual Conference
o February 17-19, American University, Washington DC
o Join NUJLS for our annual conference this spring at American University in Washington DC. Come together to celebrate both queer and Jewish identities, make new friends and participate in engaging workshops surrounding advocacy and leadership.
o Since 1997, NUJLS has hosted an annual conference brinGing together Jewish LGBT students for a weekend filled of fun, friendship and learning. Over 1000 alumni call NUJLS a second family. NUJLS welcomes all students, regardless of how they identify and their personal identity.
o Pre-Registration is already underway. Visit www.nujls.org to pre register today or visit us on facebook at www.facebook.com/nujls. Email nujls2012@gmail.com for more information.
Summer 2012 LGBT Congressional Internship
o The Victory Congressional Internship is now accepting applications for Summer 2012. The Gay & Lesbian Leadership Institute will bring 10-12 outstanding LGBTQ college students to Washington, D.C., for an intensive leadership program, including a Congressional internship with an LGBT-friendly member of Congress.
o The program includes a generous stipend, placement in a congressional internship and travel to/from Washington, D.C., as well as travel and registration to the International Gay & Lesbian Leadership Conference in Long Beach, California, in December 2012.
o Applications for Summer 2012 are due Monday, February 6 – find out more and apply now at www.glli.org/vci. The Victory Congressional Internship is open to current undergraduate students* of all genders, orientations, abilities, races, and political affiliations, including people with majors other than political science. *You must be currently enrolled in an undergraduate program and have at least one semester of remaining in order to participate in the summer program; you cannot graduate prior to November 2012.
Would you like your announcement or program to appear in Rainbow Report? The Report is typically sent out on Tuesdays. To ensure your announcement’s consideration for publication, submit it via this form at least one week in advance: http://lgbt.umd.edu/newsletteritem.html
Would you like the LGBT Equity Center to consider co-sponsoring one of your events by lending our name, resources, or outreach support? Please submit all co-sponsorship requests through this web form at least one week prior to requesting a decision on your co-sponsorship request. Resources are limited. http://lgbt.umd.edu/cosponsorship.html If you wish to engage in a deeper collaboration beyond event co-sponsorship, please talk and meet with us directly.
If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, feel free to contact us at 301-405-8720, by e-mail at lgbt@umd.edu, or come to our office. We are located in 2218 Marie Mount Hall.