Rainbow Report
University of Maryland, College Park
“The unstoppable & QUEER.”
"A dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight, and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world."
~Oscar Wilde
Please don't forget to "like" our Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/equitycenter
LGBT Equity Programs:
Queer Study Time (Every Wednesday)
o 2-4PM at 2218 Marie Mount Hall.
o Come and study with others in a queer-friendly space! Bring your books/laptop/work. We'll have some snacks and friendly faces
Queer Luncheon (Every Thursday)
o 11:30 AM- 1 PM at 2218 Marie Mount Hall.
o Join us for some queer lunch!. Bring your food, we'll bring the games and good conversation!
LGBT Equity Center Open House & Grand Re-Opening
o Friday, February 3rd, 12PM-7PM, 2218 Marie Mount Hall
o Drop in any time and have some food, meet our staff, see our beautiful new space in Marie Mount Hall.
o At 3:30pm we will hear remarks from the Provost, from the Chief Diversity Officer, and from our staff.
o We look forward to seeing you for this festive celebration of our communities' new and wonderful center.
Safe Space (Every Tuesday)
o January 31st, 7:30 PM-9PM, 2308 Marie Mount Hall.
o A supportive environment for students navigating identity, coming out, or transitioning. It is a partnership between the LGBT Equity Center and Pride Alliance.
Queer Social Justice: Campaigning for Equality Maryland
o Monday February 6th, 5PM, 2218 Marie Mount Hall
o You can make a difference and get involved! Come learn about current legislative campaigns for LGBTQ justice in Maryland. Don't forget to take action on February 13 for Lobby Day (see below).
Co-Sponsored Programs:
Lobby Day 2012—Fight for Gender Equality, Marriage Rights, and More!
o Monday, February 13, 5-8PM
o In Maryland transgender people are not currently protected under statewide anti-discrimination laws that include coverage for discrimination based on sexual orientation. Baltimore City and Montgomery County provide such protections for the transgender community. Transgender people experience bias in a number of venues related to employment, housing, healthcare, public accommodations and others.
o The LGBT Equity Center and The One Project are sponsoring a bus to Lobby Day and we want the students, faculty and staff of UMD to help advance the Gender Identity Anti-Discrimination Act and other LGBTQQI-focused legislation.
o Bus leaves campus at 5pm from Lot 1. Bus will return to campus around 8pm. Participants will be able to rally and meet with representatives to talk about the issues they care about the most. Equality Maryland will be on campus on February 6 at 5pm in 2218 Marie Mount Hall to answer questions about Lobby Day and other campaigning activities if participants want guidance.
o To reserve your free seat on the bus, please visit http://alturl.com/nmwva
Additional Announcements:.
Coping With Homonegativity Study
o Seth Christman is a doctoral student in counseling psychology at the University of Miami. As part of his dissertation research, he is conducting a survey of adult gay men’s experiences with homonegativity/homophobia. The study has been approved by the University of Miami Human Subjects Research Office (20110448)
o The purpose of this research study is to understand the homonegative/homophobic experiences of gay men, how gay men cope with homonegativity/homophobia, and how homonegativity/ homophobia impacts gay men’s health and well-being.
o Participants must self-identify as a gay male, and be over the age of 18. To participate in the study, please click here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/2FHKTFK
o The link above provides additional information on study participation. Participation in the study is expected to take approximately 30 minutes. In exchange for their time, participants have the option to be entered in a drawing for one of FIVE, $50 amazon.com gift cards. After respondents have completed the survey, they will be directed to a web page where they can provide their name and email address to enter the drawing. Survey responses will not be linked to participant’s contact information.
o Participation is confidential and participants may withdraw from the study at any time. If participants have any questions, they may contact Seth at seth_christman@yahoo.com.
Lunch with the One Project Advisory Board
o Wednesday, February 15th, 12-1:30 PM, Baltimore Room in Stamp
o We want to meet the students and learn about what your needs are as a community. Come meet with some of our advisory board and tell us what you want to see on campus. This is for students only.
National Union of Jewish LGBT Students (NUJLS) Annual Conference
o February 17-19, American University, Washington DC
o Join NUJLS for our annual conference this spring at American University in Washington DC. Come together to celebrate both queer and Jewish identities, make new friends and participate in engaging workshops surrounding advocacy and leadership.
o Since 1997, NUJLS has hosted an annual conference brinGing together Jewish LGBT students for a weekend filled of fun, friendship and learning. Over 1000 alumni call NUJLS a second family. NUJLS welcomes all students, regardless of how they identify and their personal identity.
o Pre-Registration is already underway. Visit www.nujls.org to pre register today or visit us on facebook at www.facebook.com/nujls. Email nujls2012@gmail.com for more information.
Whitman-Walker Health
o Need to talk? Whitman-Walker Health offers peer support.
o No matter what you are going through, there are others who have been there. Trained volunteers can provide individual and group support for issues related to HIV, life stressors, loneliness, coming out, relationships, and more.
o For more information, contact Nick Choksi at 202-797-3580, or email PeerSupport@whitman-walker.org. Whitman-Walker Health is located at Elizabeth Taylor Medical Center-- 1701 14th Street NW, Washington, DC 20009.
Summer 2012 LGBT Congressional Internship
o The Victory Congressional Internship is now accepting applications for Summer 2012. The Gay & Lesbian Leadership Institute will bring 10-12 outstanding LGBTQ college students to Washington, D.C., for an intensive leadership program, including a Congressional internship with an LGBT-friendly member of Congress.
o The program includes a generous stipend, placement in a congressional internship and travel to/from Washington, D.C., as well as travel and registration to the International Gay & Lesbian Leadership Conference in Long Beach, California, in December 2012.
o Applications for Summer 2012 are due Monday, February 6 – find out more and apply now at www.glli.org/vci. The Victory Congressional Internship is open to current undergraduate students* of all genders, orientations, abilities, races, and political affiliations, including people with majors other than political science. *You must be currently enrolled in an undergraduate program and have at least one semester of remaining in order to participate in the summer program; you cannot graduate prior to November 2012.
The Davis-Putter Scholarship Fund
o The Davis-Putter Scholarship Fund has applications available for student activists who are building progressive movements for social change and will be enrolled in school during the 2012-13 academic year. Their website provides answers to questions about the Fund, the application process, and the students we support: www.davisputter.org.
o Since 1961 the Davis-Putter Scholarship Fund has provided need-based grants to students who are involved in building movements for social and economic justice and are able to do academic work at the college level. Grantees are both graduates and undergraduates enrolled in accredited schools for the period covered by their grant. Although citizenship is not a consideration, applicants must be participating in activities in the US and plan to enroll in an accredited program in the US in order to qualify.
o The maximum grant is $10,000 and may be considerably smaller depending on the applicant's circumstances and the funding available. All the funds come from individual donors and there are 25-30 grants awarded each year. Grants are for one year although students may re-apply for subsequent years.
o Applications and the supporting documents -- transcripts, a personal statement, two letters of recommendation, a photograph, financial aid reports -- must be postmarked by April 1, 2012. Those selected to receive a grant will be notified in July.
Would you like your announcement or program to appear in Rainbow Report? The Report is typically sent out on Mondays. To ensure your announcement’s consideration for publication, submit it via this form at least one week in advance: http://lgbt.umd.edu/newsletteritem.html
Would you like the LGBT Equity Center to consider co-sponsoring one of your events by lending our name, resources, or outreach support? Please submit all co-sponsorship requests through this web form at least one week prior to requesting a decision on your co-sponsorship request. Resources are limited. http://lgbt.umd.edu/cosponsorship.html If you wish to engage in a deeper collaboration beyond event co-sponsorship, please talk and meet with us directly.
If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, feel free to contact us at 301-405-8720, by e-mail at lgbt@umd.edu, or come to our office. We are located in 2218 Marie Mount Hall.