Monday, February 13, 2012

Rainbow Report

Rainbow Report

University of Maryland, College Park

“The unstoppable & QUEER.”

"I like being surrounded by splendid things."

~Freddie Mercury

Please don't forget to "like" our Facebook page:

LGBT Equity Programs:

* Queer Study Time (Every Wednesday)

o 2-4PM at 2218 Marie Mount Hall.

o Come and study with others in a queer-friendly space! Bring your books/laptop/work. We'll have some snacks and friendly faces

* Queer Luncheon (Every Thursday)

o 11:30 AM- 1 PM at 2218 Marie Mount Hall.

o Join us for some queer lunch!. Bring your food, we'll bring the games and good conversation!

* Safe Space (Every Tuesday)

o February 14th, 7:30 PM-9PM, 2308 Marie Mount Hall.

o A supportive environment for students navigating identity, coming out, or transitioning. It is a partnership between the LGBT Equity Center and Pride Alliance.

Co-Sponsored Programs:

* Lobby Day 2012—Fight for Gender Equality, Marriage Rights, and More!

o Monday, February 13, 5-8PM

o In Maryland transgender people are not currently protected under statewide anti-discrimination laws that include coverage for discrimination based on sexual orientation. Baltimore City and Montgomery County provide such protections for the transgender community. Transgender people experience bias in a number of venues related to employment, housing, healthcare, public accommodations and others.

o The LGBT Equity Center and The One Project are sponsoring a bus to Lobby Day and we want the students, faculty and staff of UMD to help advance the Gender Identity Anti-Discrimination Act and other LGBTQQI-focused legislation.

o Bus leaves campus at 5pm from Lot 1. Bus will return to campus around 8pm. Participants will be able to rally and meet with representatives to talk about the issues they care about the most. Equality Maryland will be on campus on February 6 at 5pm in 2218 Marie Mount Hall to answer questions about Lobby Day and other campaigning activities if participants want guidance.

o To reserve your free seat on the bus, please visit

* Apply Now—Queer People of Color Conference Grant

o The One Project, in collaboration with The LGBT Equity Center, is proud to announce a travel grant for students wishing to attend the Queer People of Color Conference in Los Angeles, CA on March 30-April 1, 2012.

o A minimum of two students will be chosen to represent The University of Maryland at the conference. Students will be required to pay a minimal portion of the total cost to attend and all other costs will be covered by The One Project and The LGBT Equity Center.

o You may find the application and more information by clicking here, visiting The One Project on Facebook here, or downloading the attached application.

o Applications are due March 2, 2012.

Additional Announcements:.

* Bisexuals at Maryland (BAM) (Every Thursday)

o February 16th, 6-7 PM, 2218 Marie Mount Hall

o a discussion group for those who inhabit the wide expanse that lay between gay and straight.

* True Colors of Maryland (TCOM) (Mondays)

o Monday, February 13, 6-7PM, Benjamin Banneker A.

o a discussion group for LGBTQQIA people of all colors.

* HAMSA Weekly Meeting (Every Thursday)

o February 16, 5:30 - 6:30 Hillel Conference Room

* Nayan Shah Comes to UMD!

o The LGBT Studies program is proud to invite you to the start of our tenth annual lecture series, Contact. We begin the series on Monday Feb. 13, with two events featuring Nayan Shah.

o Cookies and Conversation with Nayan Shah-- Monday, February 13, 2012 12:00pm – 1:15pm 1137 Cole Field House

o Bring your lunch and join us for informal discussion with historian Nayan Shah. While he’ll be giving a formal lecture later in the day about his new book, Stranger Intimacy, this noon-time event is an invitation for open conversation--talk about his other recent work, ask the questions you’ve longed to ask about Contagious Divides, and engage in other discussion topics. All are welcome. We are grateful to the Asian American Studies Program at UMD for hosting this brown bag event and providing cookies.

o Nayan Shah, “Stranger Intimacy, Transience, and Unsettling History-- 5:00 p.m. Monday, February 13, 2012 Ulrich Recital Hall, Tawes Hall

o Nayan Shah is associate professor of history at the University California at San Diego. His most recent book is Stranger Intimacy: Contesting Race, Sexuality and the Law in the North American West. He is also the author of Contagious Divides: Epidemics and Race in San Francisco's Chinatown and an editor of GLQ.

o For further information, please visit or find these events through Facebook at

* The Pancake Gallery, Driver’s Seat Entertainment and Sybarite Productions present: She'Baltimore

o On Valentine’s Day, February 14th, 2012, the Producers of She'Baltimore are staging a benefit to showcase the play and raise money for a local Baltimore charity, Turn Around Inc., aimed to support women dealing with domestic abuse. The play officially premiers on February 17th, 2012 and runs through February 26, 2012, 8pm at the LOF/t Theater, 120 W. North Avenue, Baltimore, MD, 21218. Following the performances, we will hold open discussions or “talk backs” between the cast, the audience, and TBA special guests.

o She'Baltimore is a piece centered around domestic violence within the LGBT community. Set in Baltimore, MD, the play addresses the American social system and its relationship with communities that are often abstracted from proper care due to orientation, socioeconomic circumstances, and at times, discrimination.

o The play illustrates the lives of two Baltimore natives, living together and dealing with the complexities of their romantic relationship. Their issues are deeply rooted in past traumas and family histories, combined with the challenges of their present day circumstances.

o She'Baltimore seeks to ignite conversation about an issue often ignored by society, and especially the LGBT community. This poignant presentation is an outcry provoked by the tyranny of domestic violence, but also an alternative love story which sets out to prove that in defiance of race, color, gender, socioeconomic status, occupation and orientation- LOVE, through compassion and guidance, is an elusive mirror which reflects it's desire back to, and through us all.

o Group and student discount rates are offered to all Universities and/or LGBT organizations, non-violence support groups, as well as what we call our “Friends of FAMILY Discount”. Additionally, student rush tickets are available, and may be purchased at the box office 1 hour prior to each show. Group reservations, questions, and additional information are available by contacting: or Nicol directly at 1-323-364-2504.

* LGBT @ RHSMITH Reception

o Tuesday Feb. 28th, 5:30-7:30pm (come & go as you please). Van Munching Hall, Room 2333 (2nd floor)

o PIZZA will be provided.

o Join the Facebook group at: LGBT @ RHSMITH. All current and prospective business students and alumni are welcome to attend, as well as LGBT faculty, staff, and straight allies.

* LGBT Youth Winter Dance Masquerade Ball

o This FREE event will be held on March 2, 2012 7:00-11:00 p.m. at the Latin American Youth Center 6200 Sheridan Street, Riverdale, MD 20782 301-779-2851

o SPONSORED BY Prince George’s County Youth Equality Project. Providing a safe space for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, questioning, and ally youth in PG County, MD. This event is for people of 14 - 21 years old ONLY; please bring school or picture ID

o Questions? Email: Or Or CALL: 301-209-0491

o Free shuttle service back to College Park and New Carrollton METRO between 10 and 11pm!

* Spend a Week at Harvard Business School

o Apply for Harvard Business School's Summer Venture in Management Program. Application Deadline: May 16, 2012

o The Harvard Business School (HBS) Summer Venture in Management Program (SVMP) is a one week management training program for rising college seniors designed to increase diversity and opportunity in business education. This thirty-year HBS tradition demonstrates the many rewards of an MBA degree to students who may not otherwise have considered this path. Participants spend a week on campus living the MBA student experience – attending classes, analyzing case studies, and debating management issues with peers and faculty.

o This unique educational experience, in combination with a summer internship at a sponsoring company or organization, gives participants a broader understanding of the challenges business leaders face, the innumerable opportunities that exist in management, and the impact they can have on their community and the world through leadership.

o Participants will be selected based on academic achievement, demonstrated leadership, and personal characteristics. Consistent with the objective of promoting educational diversity and opportunity in business leadership, additional criteria to be considered among others, are whether the applicant is: The first family member to attend college; A member of a group that is currently underrepresented in business schools and corporate America (e.g. African-American, Latino, Native American, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, or Transgender); From a family with little business education or experience; and/or from a school whose graduates do not typically attend a top-tier university (e.g., attends a rural or predominantly minority college, or has attended a community college as part of a four-year degree).

o The SVMP Application will be available online in February 2012. The deadline is May 16, 2012. To apply and for more information about this program, please visit the SVMP website:

* Richard B. Fisher Scholarship Program—Operations NY/NJ

o Morgan Stanley strives to create a spirit of inclusion by bringing together and valuing dedicated professionals with diverse backgrounds, talents, perspectives, cultural identities and experience. Come discover a diverse team that shares one mission—to create and support the world’s finest financial thinking, products and services. Come learn how we prepare you for a successful career in our operations division through the Morgan Stanley Richard B. Fisher Scholarship Program.

o Eligible candidates for the Richard B. Fisher Scholarship Program include Black, Hispanic, Native American and LGBT students. The deadline is February 14, 2012. If you have any additional questions, please contact

* Coping With Homonegativity Study

o Seth Christman is a doctoral student in counseling psychology at the University of Miami. As part of his dissertation research, he is conducting a survey of adult gay men’s experiences with homonegativity/homophobia. The study has been approved by the University of Miami Human Subjects Research Office (20110448)

o The purpose of this research study is to understand the homonegative/homophobic experiences of gay men, how gay men cope with homonegativity/homophobia, and how homonegativity/ homophobia impacts gay men’s health and well-being.

o Participants must self-identify as a gay male, and be over the age of 18. To participate in the study, please click here:

o The link above provides additional information on study participation. Participation in the study is expected to take approximately 30 minutes. In exchange for their time, participants have the option to be entered in a drawing for one of FIVE, $50 gift cards. After respondents have completed the survey, they will be directed to a web page where they can provide their name and email address to enter the drawing. Survey responses will not be linked to participant’s contact information.

o Participation is confidential and participants may withdraw from the study at any time. If participants have any questions, they may contact Seth at

* Lunch with the One Project Advisory Board

o Wednesday, February 15th, 12-1:30 PM, Baltimore Room in Stamp

o We want to meet the students and learn about what your needs are as a community. Come meet with some of our advisory board and tell us what you want to see on campus. This is for students only.

* National Union of Jewish LGBT Students (NUJLS) Annual Conference

o February 17-19, American University, Washington DC

o Join NUJLS for our annual conference this spring at American University in Washington DC. Come together to celebrate both queer and Jewish identities, make new friends and participate in engaging workshops surrounding advocacy and leadership.

o Since 1997, NUJLS has hosted an annual conference brinGing together Jewish LGBT students for a weekend filled of fun, friendship and learning. Over 1000 alumni call NUJLS a second family. NUJLS welcomes all students, regardless of how they identify and their personal identity.

o Visit to register today or visit us on facebook at Email for more information.

* Whitman-Walker Health

o Need to talk? Whitman-Walker Health offers peer support.

o No matter what you are going through, there are others who have been there. Trained volunteers can provide individual and group support for issues related to HIV, life stressors, loneliness, coming out, relationships, and more.

o For more information, contact Nick Choksi at 202-797-3580, or email Whitman-Walker Health is located at Elizabeth Taylor Medical Center-- 1701 14th Street NW, Washington, DC 20009.

* The Davis-Putter Scholarship Fund

o The Davis-Putter Scholarship Fund has applications available for student activists who are building progressive movements for social change and will be enrolled in school during the 2012-13 academic year. Their website provides answers to questions about the Fund, the application process, and the students we support:

o Since 1961 the Davis-Putter Scholarship Fund has provided need-based grants to students who are involved in building movements for social and economic justice and are able to do academic work at the college level. Grantees are both graduates and undergraduates enrolled in accredited schools for the period covered by their grant. Although citizenship is not a consideration, applicants must be participating in activities in the US and plan to enroll in an accredited program in the US in order to qualify.

o The maximum grant is $10,000 and may be considerably smaller depending on the applicant's circumstances and the funding available. All the funds come from individual donors and there are 25-30 grants awarded each year. Grants are for one year although students may re-apply for subsequent years.

o Applications and the supporting documents -- transcripts, a personal statement, two letters of recommendation, a photograph, financial aid reports -- must be postmarked by April 1, 2012. Those selected to receive a grant will be notified in July.

Would you like your announcement or program to appear in Rainbow Report? The Report is typically sent out on Mondays. To ensure your announcement’s consideration for publication, submit it via this form at least one week in advance:

Would you like the LGBT Equity Center to consider co-sponsoring one of your events by lending our name, resources, or outreach support? Please submit all co-sponsorship requests through this web form at least one week prior to requesting a decision on your co-sponsorship request. Resources are limited. If you wish to engage in a deeper collaboration beyond event co-sponsorship, please talk and meet with us directly.

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, feel free to contact us at 301-405-8720, by e-mail at, or come to our office. We are located in 2218 Marie Mount Hall.