Monday, October 8, 2012

Rainbow Report

Rainbow Report
University of Maryland, College Park
“The unstoppable & QUEER.”

 “Hope will never be silent.”
-Harvey Milk

Please don't forget to "like" our Facebook page:

LGBT Equity Programs:
*  Out in the Workplace: An LGBT Career Panel
o   Tomorrow: Tuesday, October 09, 2012 • 05:00PM - 07:00PM
o   In preparation for National Coming Out Day on October 11, hear from panelists across industries about LGBT career questions and issues. The panel will be followed be a light reception. More information coming soon! This panel is co-sponsored by the LGBT Equity Center, University Career Center & President's Promise, LGBT Studies, oSTEM, Lambda Pride, and SmithOUT.
o   For additional information about this event: contact Kate Juhl at
o   Location: Resource Room - University Career Center & The President's Promise
* Queer Lunch
o   Thursdays, 12:00PM- 1:30PM, 2218 Marie Mount Hall.
o   Come enjoy your lunch with us at the Equity Center! You can eat your lunch, chat with friends, meet new people and play fun games; don’t miss out!

Co-Sponsored Programs:
*   The One Project: The ‘G” in LGBTQA Panel
o   Tonight! 7PM at 2218 Marie Mount Hall.
o    Meet fellow students, faculty and staff and join in the conversation about the community on campus, student groups and upcoming events from The LGBT Equity Center and The One Project.
*  “You Can’t Stop Us”: Maryland’s LGBT Legislators and the Battle for Marriage Equality
o   Thursday, October 11th from 2:30-4PM in the Multipurpose Room of the Nyumburu Cultural Center. The meet and greet will start at 2:30.
o   In February 2012, the Maryland General Assembly passed and Governor Martin O'Malley signed into law a bill extending the right of civil marriage to same-sex couples. The law will not take effect unless voters affirm it through a referendum on the ballot (Question 6) in the November 6 election.
o   In honor of National Coming Out Day and in preparation for this historic vote, we invite you to join us for a conversation with members of the LGBT caucus of the Maryland General Assembly. They'll discuss the power of being out in politics, the art of creating social change through the legislative process, and what lies beyond November 6 for Maryland's LGBT and allied citizens.
*  Marriage Equality Rally
o   Thursday, October 11th at 4PM in the Nyumburu Amphitheater
o   Click here to find out more about the rally!
o   Join us on twitter #UMDMarriageRally
o   If you need more information regarding the panel discussion or rally, please contact or
* Safe Space
o   A supportive environment for students navigating identity, coming out, or transitioning. It is a partnership with the Office of LGBT Equity Center.
o   Wednesdays at 7:30 in 2308 Marie Mount Hall

Student Group Meetings:
* Trans U
o   A discussion and safe space for those who identify as transgender, genderqueer, or otherwise feel restricted by conventional definitions of "man" and "woman". Mondays at 7:00 PM in the LGBT Equity Center.
* Women2Women (W2W)
o   A discussion group for LGBTQQIA- identified women. Tuesdays at 7:00 PM in the LGBT Equity Center.
* Bro to Bro
o   A group for LGBTQQIA- identified men. Wednesdays at 6:30 PM at the LGBT Equity Center.
* Bisexuals at Maryland (BAM)
o   A discussion group for those who inhabit the wide expanse that lay between gay and straight. Thursdays at 6:00 PM in the LGBT Equity Center.
* True Colors of Maryland (TCOM)
o   A discussion group for LGBTQQIA people of all colors. Thursdays at 7:00 PM in
the LGBT Equity Center
*  SmithOUT
o   Monday, October 15 at 8PM  in Van Munching 1336
o   They will be tie-dying SmithOUT t-shirts!
o   T-shirts are only $5 and everyone is welcome!
Additional Announcements:

* Queer Monologues: Queer Open Mic
o   The Queer Monologues presents Queer Open Mic in celebration of National Coming Out Week.
o   Wednesday, October 10th from 2:30-4:30PM in the North Atrium (near entrance to CoOp), Stamp.
o   Anyone can participate! If interested, contact or
*  Terps For 6!
o   Thursday October, 11th from 10am-4pm on Hornbake Plaza
o   SmithOUT will be asking students to pledge to vote FOR marriage equality by writing “in support” on a paper cutout. We will then string up the cutouts around the plaza to show the widespread support for marriage equality we have here at the university.
o   Our mission is to effectively educate, energize, and mobilize students to the polls.
o   If you can help staff the booth or have questions about the event contact
*  A Book Talk with Dr. Celine Prrenas Shimizu
o   Thursday, October 11th from 12:00-1:30PM in the Jimenez Room in Stamp
o   Come join Dr. Shimizu, Professor, Asian American Studies at Univeristy of California, Santa Barbara, as she shares highlights from her most recent book, Straightjacket Sexualities: Unbinding Asian American Manhoods in the Movies. For more information, contact the Asian American Studies Program at 301.405.0996
*  Pride Alliance Presents: All Hallows Queen
o   October 20th at 8PM in the Stamp Atrium
o   All Hallows Queen is Pride Alliance’s Fall dance and social!
o   You won’t want to miss this! There will be a drag show!

*  FUEL the Pride Leadership Conference
o   Saturday October 27th from 10am-4pm in the Stamp Atrium
o   The AASU will be hosting a leadership conference that opens dialogue around LGBTQ identified people in Asian and Pacific Islander American issues.
o   Registration is $5 before October 5th and $7 after October 5th.
o   Click HERE to register or learn more about the AASU.
* Terps For Marriage Equality
o   Wednesdays, 4-5PM, 2218 Marie Mount Hall
o   Meeting for students, faculty, and staff working to get UMD students to vote for
marriage equality
* The Last Closet Campaign
o   This campaign will help encourage the first athletes in US history to "come out" publicly while actively playing in any of the top five major sports. Our goal is to establish at least one positive role model in each sport (baseball, basketball, football, hockey and soccer). These gay sports heroes will make a world of difference to our gay youth.
o   Visit to see what you can do to help The Last Closet!
Would you like your announcement or program to appear in Rainbow Report? The Report is typically sent out on Mondays. To ensure your announcement’s consideration for publication, submit it via this form at least one week in advance:

Would you like the LGBT Equity Center to consider co-sponsoring one of your events by lending our name, resources, or outreach support? Please submit all co-sponsorship requests through this web form at least one week prior to requesting a decision on your co-sponsorship request. Resources are limited.  If you wish to engage in a deeper collaboration beyond event co-sponsorship, please talk and meet with us directly.

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, feel free to contact us at 301-405-8720, by e-mail at, or come to our office. We are located in 2218 Marie Mount Hall.